Thursday, October 9, 2008

And The Winner IS.........

One of my most favorite TV Shows is Project Runway - die hard fan here!

Who do you think deserves to win Project Runway.

1. Kenley
2. Leanne
3. Korto

I'm going to say at this point Leanne - I've really been impressed with her vision and execution of her work. Kenley rakes on my last nerve - the girl has talent but the constant whining and complaining is ssssssso annoying. Korto's wedding dress challange was a bit boring and to me she seems too one note - something about her work is boring (to me).

We'll see Wednesday night.

Blessings, Tammy

1 comment:

MarQuette said...

HI there, found you because you have an interest in scrapbooking, thought I'ld explore some blogs which I've never done. Thought your's was set up pretty cool.

To answer the Question:
For me its a toss up between Kenley & Leann. I actually really like Kenley dispite her whinning. She has been pretty rude, but I try to look past that and like at her fashion style.